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How C++ and C Fit Together

  • Identify the incompatibilities between the C++ and C standards
  • Describe the differences between the C++11 standard and C99
  • Review the features of the standard C library included in the standard C++ library

"The semi-official policy for C++ in regards to C compatibility has always been 'As Close as Possible to C, but no Closer'." Koenig (1989)

C++ provides, in addition to sophisticated object-oriented facilities, procedural programming facilities through the syntax that it shares with the C language. Some language implementers advocate increasing compatibility between the two languages, while others claim that nothing can be done about the existing incompatibilities. Each language was created for different purposes and continues to have its own preference. C++ was created for developing large scale, complex applications, focuses on type safety and building libraries, and prefers additions to its standard library over additions to the built-in core facilities. C was created to develop operating systems like Unix, focuses on relatively low level features, and prefers additions to built-in core facilities.

Each language standard includes facilities particular to itself as illustrated below. Differences between the standards have been and continue to be a source of confusion and bugs. We need to be aware of these differences whenever we port code from one standard to another.

C and C++ Compatibility

In this chapter, we describe the facilities that are implemented differently under the different standards and review the C libraries that ship with standard C++.


The major incompatibility between C++ and C is the set of new keywords, such as class, new, and public, that cannot be used as identifiers in C++ programs. C++ introduced BCPL's // comments, const as a symbolic constant that follows type and scope rules, void* as a type-safe notion of memory holding objects of unknown type, new and delete for memory allocation and de-allocation, and inline functions. The C standards have integrated some of the C++ facilities. C89 introduced its own version of void* and C99 introduced its own version of inline functions.

The standards writers have tried not to increase the number of incompatibilities and have adjusted wordings where possible. For example, declarations that differ only in const at the highest level of an argument type are identical:

void foo(const int);
void foo(int); // identical to void foo(const int)

What is a Definition?

The C++ and C standards apply the term definition differently. In both, a definition is a declaration, but a declaration is not necessarily a definition. In C++, a definition attaches some meaning to a name. That meaning may be what is temporarily required in processing the name and does not necessarily refer to assigned storage. In C, definition specifically refers to the place in the code where an object or function is assigned storage.

For example,

// Declarations and definitions

// Statement // in C++ // in C
extern int a; // declares a declares a
extern const int b; // declares b declares b
int f(int); // declares f declares f
struct S; // declares S declares S
typedef int Int; // declares Int declares Int

int c; // defines c defines c
int f(int x) { return ++x; } // defines f defines f

enum Dir { up, down }; // defines up down declares up down
struct S { int a; int b; }; // defines S declares S
struct X { // defines X declares X
int x; // defines x declares x

The difference in interpretation of 'definition' does not affect the design of a header file. In C++, certain definitions (listed in the chapter on platform-dependent libraries) as well as declarations that are not definitions are permitted in a header file. In C, a header file does not include any definitions. In the end, the result is the same.

Noteworthy Cases

The following cases are more fully described in the memo entitled "Sibling Rivalry: C and C++" by Bjarne Stroustrup (2002).

Implicit int

Both C++98 and C99 have banned implicit int. All variable definitions must specify their data type and all function definitions must specify their return type. Omitting type in either case no longer defaults to an int. Both standards have broken backward compatibility in banning this legacy default.

Undeclared Templates

C++98 and C99 have banned calls to undeclared functions. C89 still allows such calls.

// declared functions - C++

#include <cstdio> // required
using std::printf;

int main()
printf("Hello World");
/* declared functions - C */

#include <stdio.h> // C99 requires

int main(void)
printf("Hello World");
return 0;

No Function Parameters

C++98 specifies no function parameters through empty parentheses. C89 and C99 specify no function parameters through the keyword void between the parentheses:

// no function parameters - C++

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;

int main()
cout << "Hello World";
return 0;
/* no function parameters - C */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
printf("Hello World");
return 0;

C++98 permits use of the keyword void as a parameter for compatibility with the C standards.

int main()

C++98 and C99 specify a return type of int for the main function of any application. C++98 lets us omit the return statement, in which case a value of 0 returns to the system. C99 does not allow omission of the the return statement. The function definition can take either of two forms: with parameters or without parameters.

Templates that take no parameters have the following headers:

// main() without parameters - C++

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;

int main()
cout << "Hello World";
/* main() without parameters - C */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
printf("Hello World");
return 0; /* C99 requires */

Templates that take two parameters have the following headers:

// main() with parameters - C++

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
cout << argv[i] << ' ';
/* main() with parameters - C */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int i;
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
printf("%s ", argv[i]);
return 0; /* C99 requires */

C99 specifies that argv[argc] holds the NULL address.

Global const

C++98 implements a global const as local to its translation unit by default, as usable in constant expressions, and as stored in memory only if its address is taken. C89 implemented global const as having external linkage by default, as unusable in constant expressions, and as stored in memory.

C++98 selected internal linkage to make const behave like macros and structs. C89 selected external linkage for consistency with the default linkage of global variables and functions, which made it necessary to store all consts in memory and therefore introduced overhead with respect to macros.


C++98 implements void* as a type-safe notion of memory that holds objects of unknown type. Any pointer can be implicitly converted to void*, but any use of the memory addressed requires some sort of cast. C89 added void* and admitted implicit assignment of void* to any pointer type.

Because C++98 has the new operator, it doesn't require implicit assignment as C89 required for malloc(). On the other hand, C89 allowed for a definition of NULL that can't be assigned to an int. C++98 does not and in this respect is less type-safe than C89 (the case to an int shown below is required in C89).

// Generic Pointers - C++

#include <iostream>
#define NULL 0
using std::cout;

int main()
void* q;
char* c;
int* p;
int x = NULL; // no cast

p = new int; // no cast
*p = 1;
q = p;
c = (char*)q; // needs cast
*c = 'a';

cout << x << ',' << *c << ',' << *p;

delete p;
/* Generic Pointers - C */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#undef NULL
#define NULL (void*)0

int main(void)
void* q;
char* c;
int* p;
int x = (int)NULL;

p = malloc(sizeof(int));
*p = 1;
q = p;
c = q; /* no cast */
*c = 'a';

printf("%d,%c,%d", x, *c, *p);

return 0;

new, delete

C++98 uses new and delete for allocation and de-allocation, which eliminates the need for a cast and the possibility of incorrect sizing on allocation, which arise in the alternatives - malloc() and free(). C89 and C99 use malloc() and free().


Each enumeration is a separate type in both C++ and C. C++98 lets us overload a function for an enumeration and does not let us assign an int to an enumerated type without a cast. C89 and C99 treat each enumerated type as an int and let us assign any int to any enumerated type.

// enumerated types - C++

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;

enum Color {red, white, blue};

int main()
Color wall;

wall = (Color)1; // cast

cout << wall;
/* enumerated types - C */

#include <stdio.h>

enum Color {red, white, blue};

int main(void)
enum Color wall;

wall = 1; // no cast needed

printf("%d", wall);
return 0;

Nested structs

C++98 considers nested struct tags to be within the inner scope of the nesting struct. C89 and C99 consider nested struct tags to be in the outer scope.

// nested structs - C++

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;

struct A
struct B
int a;

int main()
A::B x = {2};

cout << x.a;
/* nested structs - C */

#include <stdio.h>

struct A
struct B
int a;

int main(void)
struct B x = {2};

printf("%d", x.a);
return 0;


C++ and C define bool differently. C++98 defines bool as a primitive type that takes the values true and false, which are keywords in the core language. C99 defines bool as a macro and provides the header file <stdbool.h>, which contains four macros:

  • bool expands to the primitive type _Bool
  • true expands to the integer constant 1
  • false expands to the integer constant 0
  • __bool_true_false_are_defined expands to the integer constant 1

C99 introduced _Bool is the built-in type for boolean data. C99 lets us undefine and then redefine bool, true, and false.

// booleans - C++

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;

int main()
bool a = true, b = false;

cout << a << ',' << b;
/* booleans - C */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

int main(void)
bool a = true, b = false;

printf("%d, %d", a, b);
return 0;


C++98 has deprecated the use of static to mean local to this translation unit in favour of the use of unnamed namespaces. C99 uses the keyword static to mean local to this translation unit; that is, internal linkage.

inline Templates

C++ provides inline functions as type-safe alternatives to function-like C macros. The One Definition Rule of C++98 requires identical definition of global inline functions in all of the translation units of a single application. C99 considers an inline function local to its translation unit by default.

for Initializers

C++98 and C99 allow initializer definitions in for statements. C89 did not.

// for initializers - C++

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;

int main()
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cout << i << ' ';
/* for initializers - C99 */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
printf("%d ", i);
return 0;

Algol-Style Templates

C++98 allows prototype-style function definition syntax but not Algol-style function definition syntax (as shown below). C99 still allows both prototype-style and Algol-style syntax.

// prototype style definitions - C++

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;

int foo(int a, int b)
return a + b;

int main()
cout << foo(1, 2);
/* Algol style definitions - C */

#include <stdio.h>

int foo(a, b) int a; int b;
return a + b;

int main(void)
printf("%d", foo(1, 2));
return 0;

Character Constants

C++ treats character constants as chars: C treats character constants as ints.

In a C++ program, sizeof('[') is the same as sizeof(char).

/* Storing Character Constants
* char.cpp

#include <cstdio>
using std::printf;

int main()
printf("%d %d\n", sizeof(char), sizeof('\xfe'));
1 1

In a C program, sizeof('[') is the same as sizeof(int).

/* Storing Character Constants
* char.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
printf("%d %d\n", sizeof(char), sizeof('\xfe'));
1 4

Some C compilers convert the character to its equivalent integer value, as if converting from type char to type int.


Some non-standard compilers do not perform narrowing casts as we might expect. For instance, some optimize rather than truncate expressions like:

double pi = (double)(float) 3.1415926535897932;

// pi = 3.1415926535897932 or 3.1415920000000000; ?

It is better to force the truncation (no optimization) by writing

float pi_f = (float) 3.1415926535897932;
double pi = (double) pi_f;

This coding style improves portability.

Standard C Library

Standard C++ includes most of the standard C Library, with a few modifications.

Without Modification

Standard C++ provides the following without modification:

  • 54 standard C macros, which include amongst others

    • General utilities: EXIT_FAILURE, EXIT_SUCCESS, RAND_MAX
    • Debugging: assert()
    • Mathematics: HUGE_VAL
    • Variable arguments: va_arg(), va_end(), va_start()
    • Date and time: CLOCKS_PER_SEC
    • Wide character: WCHAR_MAX, WCHAR_MIN, WEOF
  • 45 standard C values, which include among others

    • Characteristics of float types: DBL_MAX, DBL_MIN, FLT_MAX, FLT_MIN, LDBL_MAX, LDBL_MIN
  • 19 standard C types, which include among others

    • Common definitions: ptrdiff_t, size_t
    • Input output: FILE
    • Variable arguments: va_list
    • Date and time: clock_t, time_t
    • Wide character: wctype_t, win_t
  • 2 standard C structs

    • Localization: lconv
    • Date and time: tm
  • 209 standard C functions, which include among others

    • General utilities: abs(), fabs(), floor(), labs(), atof(), atoi(), atol(), strtod(), strtok(), strtol(), strtoul(), ceil(), clock(), difftime(), calloc(), malloc(), realloc(), free(), system(), sqrt(), pow(), qsort(), srand(), rand()
    • Mathematics: acos(), asin(), atan(), cos(), sin(), tan(), cosh(), sinh(), tanh()
    • Mathematics: exp(), log(), log10()
    • Character handling: isalpha(), iscntrl(), isdigit(), islower(), isprint(), isspace(), isupper(), tolower(), toupper()
    • Input output: getc(), getchar(), gets(), printf(), putc(), putchar(), puts(), scanf(), feof(), fclose(), fopen(), fgetc(), fprintf(), fputc(), fputs(), fread(), freopen(), fscanf(), fseek(), ftell(), fprintf(), fwrite(), rewind(), tmpfile(), tmpnam(), remove(), sprintf(), sscanf()
    • String handling: memcmp(), memcpy(), memmove(), memset(), strcat(), strcmp(), strcpy(), strlen(), strncat(), strncpy(), strncmp()
    • Date and time: clock(), difftime(), time()


For compatibility, standard C++ provides the 18 C headers, but deprecates their use:

  • <assert.h> - use <cassert> instead
  • <ctype.h> - use <cctype> instead
  • <errno.h> - use <cerrno> instead
  • <float.h> - use <cfloat> instead
  • <iso646.h> - use <ciso646> instead
  • <limits.h> - use <climits> instead
  • <locale.h> - use <clocale> instead
  • <math.h> - use <cmath> instead
  • <signal.h> - use <csignal> instead
  • <setjmp.h> - use <csetjmp> instead
  • <stdarg.h> - use <cstdarg> instead
  • <stddef.h> - use <cstddef> instead
  • <stdio.h> - use <cstdio> instead
  • <stdlib.h> - use <cstdlib> instead
  • <string.h> - use <cstring> instead
  • <time.h> - use <ctime> instead
  • <wchar.h> - use <cwchar> instead
  • <wctype.h> - use <cwctype> instead



Standard C++ defines the type wchar_t and the tokens and, and_eq, bitand, compl, not_eq, not, or, or_eq, xor and xor_eq as keywords. wchar_t appears in the standard C headers but is not included in the std namespace. The operator aliases require the inclusion of <iso646.h> in standard C. For compatibility, standard C++ provides the header <ciso646>, inclusion of which has no effect.


The following functions have different declarations:

  • const char* strchr(const char*, int);char* strchr(char*, int);
  • const char* strpbrk(const char*, const char*);char* strpbrk(char*, const char*);
  • const char* strrchr(const char*, int);char* strrchr(char*, int);
  • const char* strstr(const char*, const char*);char* strstr(char*, const char*);
  • const char* memchr(const char*, int, size_t);char* memchr(char*, int, size_t);
  • const wchar_t* wcschr(const wchar_t*, wchar_t);wchar_t* wcschr(wchar_t*, int);
  • const wchar_t* wcspbrk(const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*);wchar_t* wcspbrk(wchar_t*, const wchar_t*);
  • const wchar_t* wcsrchr(const wchar_t*, wchar_t);wchar_t* wcsrchr(wchar_t*, wchar_t);
  • const wchar_t* wcsstr(const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*);wchar_t* wcsstr(wchar_t*, const wchar_t*);
  • const wchar_t* wmemchr(const wchar_t*, wchar_t, size_t);wchar_t* wmemchr(wchar_t*, wchar_t, size_t);


The following functions exhibit different behaviors:

  • abort() - terminates without executing destructors and without calling functions passed to atexit()
  • exit(int) - objects with static storage duration are destroyed and functions registered by calling atexit() are called first. All open C streams are flushed and closed. Control is returned to the host environment.
  • extern "C" int atexit(void (*)(void))extern "C++" int atexit(void (*)(void))
  • longjmp(jmpBuf, int) - undefined behavior in some cases

The malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), and free() functions of <stdlib.h> and <cstdlib> do not allocate or de-allocate memory by attempting to call new or delete.

Not in C++


C99 defines intptr_t and uintptr_t as synonyms for pointer types to signed and unsigned types respectively. A variable of one of these synonym types can hold a pointer to a variable of any type.


C99 defines restrict as a type qualifier. Some C++ compilers process restrict to no effect.

A restrict type is a pointer type that provides sole access to the lvalue pointed to. No other pointer anywhere in the application accesses the same lvalue. This qualification allows the compiler to optimize code associated with the lvalue.